Manufacturing careers are a vital part of our local economy, so we want to celebrate our builders, makers, and creators on October 1st 2021, and throughout the month of October. Manufacturing Day...
An Oregon Manufacturers’ Resource
Manufacturing Matters Oregon – Season 3 of the Podcast
OMEP is pleased to announce the third season of our new collaborative podcast, Manufacturing Matters Oregon. We've been hard at work making exciting changes to the podcast, and are pleased to...
Announcing OMEP’s New Solutions Series
Join OMEP for our New Solutions Series This Monthly Webinar Series is Designed to Help Your Manufacturing Business Forge New Possibilities for Success Once a month the OMEP team will present case...
Business Oregon Export Survey
We're asking for a few minutes of your time to respond to this survey from Business Oregon about exporting. The survey asks a variety of questions about your exporting opportunities, challenges,...
Manufacturing Skills Standards Survey
The Oregon Department of Education is seeking input on the skills desired of entry-level job candidates in the Manufacturing sector. Your feedback will be used to update the standards that career...
How Manufacturers Can Create a Self-Motivating Environment to Engage & Retain Talent
Most manufacturers are familiar with the widening ‘skills gap.’ This is a multifaceted issue that includes Baby Boomer and Gen X generations retiring, lack of focused professional development and...
OMEP is hiring an Account Executive
Reporting to the Vice President of Client Engagement and serves as a key member of OMEP’s Business Development team. In this capacity, this individual will play a key role in helping to implement...
Meet the Enhanced Technology Team
Are you trying to design a new product? Would you like to re-design an existing product to use modern technology? Do you want to find an application for a unique material you’ve developed? Do you...
Yes, Small Manufacturers can Export – Interview with Ear Trumpet Labs
Did you know that Oregon products are in high demand around the world? Yet many manufacturers who are curious about the possibility of finding new audiences for their products can feel daunted by...
WANTED: Columbia Works Summer 21 Internship Mentors
For the Columbia Works Summer 21 Internship program, OMIC R&D is actively recruiting industry folk who can provide a helpful hand providing a rich experience for your summer high school interns....
OMEP Recommends
To jumpstart your continuous learning initiatives, we are creating a curated list of our recommended materials. You will find these listed on our blog page, and we will add to this list in every newsletter.
Here are three recommendations to kick this off!
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