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The Number One Challenge for Oregon Employers

The Number One Challenge for Oregon Employers

Recently the Oregon Talent Council (OTC) released their latest report on the manufacturing workforce landscape in our state. OMEP is proud to partner with the Oregon Talent council on several initiatives, including our Smart Talent program. Over the past two years the...

Top 10 Retail Trends for Growing Manufacturers

The manufacturing industry is changing at a pace far surpassing previous decades, moving from the product era to the consumer era to the information era. At this pace, manufacturers are challenged to respond to the advances made by closely related industries, such as...

Closing the Manufacturing Skills Gap Through Credentials

Even as the economy rebounds and unemployment drops, the United States faces a skills gap, and particularly so in the manufacturing section. This skills deficit stems from a mismatch – many of today’s job seekers don’t have the competencies needed for today’s...

Product Recall: A Quick Guide for Manufacturers

This is a guest blog post by our valued sponsors at Schwabe Williamson and Wyatt. Jeff Eden and Katie Kelly are attorneys for Schwabe, Williamson and Wyatt. They can be reached at or   It’s Monday morning and you receive a...

SkillsUSA Oregon

SkillsUSA Oregon, is a partnership of students, teachers, and industry working together to ensure Oregon has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA is a national student organization that serves students enrolled in career and technical education training programs in high...

4 Ways to Achieve Top Line Growth

For manufacturers business growth can be especially challenging. Aside from the big questions about HOW to actually grow the business, support considerations must be in place for success. For example, how do you build the infrastructure needed to support additional...

Improving Accounts Payable Efficiency with Purchase Cards

Purchase cards—also known as P-cards or procurement cards—provide businesses with significant opportunities to streamline processing and improve working capital. By replacing paper invoices and manual systems, P-cards help businesses cut operating costs, automate...

Are You one of Oregon’s 100 Best Manufacturers?

Are You one of Oregon’s 100 Best Manufacturers?

We’re proud of the clients we serve. When it comes to improving performance, creating living wage jobs for Oregonians, and building a profitable economy, Oregon manufacturers are some of the best in the nation. As an organization, OMEP frequently talks about the...

It’s Not Too Early To Think About Manufacturing Day 2017!

It’s Not Too Early To Think About Manufacturing Day 2017!

Every year, hundreds of Oregon manufacturers celebrate National Manufacturing Day on the first Friday in October – This year it’s Friday, October 6th.  It might seem early to be talking about an event in October, but we know how fast time can move. Every year, this...

Avoiding Lean Fatigue

"Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it." - Winston Churchill There are repeating patterns throughout history, in Nature, in Economics, in International Relations, and yes, in business. One of the patterns that I have been studying is that of level of...