An Oregon Manufacturers’ Resource

Manufacturing Day 2017!

Manufacturing Day 2017!

October 6, 2017, marks the seventh annual National Manufacturing Day (MFG Day). In 2011 this national holiday was designed to expand knowledge about and improve public perception of manufacturing...

Supply Chain Management

This is a guest blog post by OMEP sponsors Schwabe Williamson and Wyatt. Sometimes it helps to simplify a complicated concept by looking at it through the eyes of a child. The other day as I was...

What is Grow 3 Degrees?

In a rebranding effort, High Desert Enterprise Consortium (HiDEC) has been transformed to Grow 3o. Since 2007, Grow3Degrees (formerly HiDEC) has strived to connect those who are passionate about...

OMEP Recommends

To jumpstart your continuous learning initiatives, we are creating a curated list of our recommended materials. You will find these listed on our blog page, and we will add to this list in every newsletter.

Here are three recommendations to kick this off!

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