An Oregon Manufacturers’ Resource

Connect 2 Careers Launched!

After more than two-years of work and partnership on the part of Manufacturing 21 with Worksystems. Inc., the Connect2Careers system has been launched. Its purpose is to transform the way our region...

Seeking Host Company for PDCA Workshop

The Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME) will be hosting a workshop titled PDCA:  The Core of Sustained Improvement Efforts. The session will be led by our very own Sheila Cuyler! The...

NW Industrial Energy Efficiency Summit

This year’s NW Industrial Energy Efficiency Summit agenda includes the latest best practices and technical resources for industrial facilities in the Pacific Northwest. In its tenth year, the Summit...

Creating a Culture of Innovation

Innovation - the key to American success, prosperity, and global influence. Those of us in the manufacturing sector have heard for years that our country’s economic growth and prosperity is in part...

2018 Trends in Advanced Manufacturing

In the past couple of years, discussion on the future of manufacturing has birthed the concepts of Industry 4.0 and SMART Manufacturing.  What do these concepts mean and how do they affect any...

Measuring KPIs with Visual Aids

We as managers often believe that our teams understand our company values, strategic direction, and key measurement of those initiatives merely through association. We may even tell our employees...

OMEP Recommends

To jumpstart your continuous learning initiatives, we are creating a curated list of our recommended materials. You will find these listed on our blog page, and we will add to this list in every newsletter.

Here are three recommendations to kick this off!

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