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Onboarding– Your Secret Weapon for Retention and Engagement

Onboarding– Your Secret Weapon for Retention and Engagement

Why are 44 percent percent of manufacturing employees quitting within their first year on the job?  Manufacturers who are finally able to get workers in the front door are leaving the backdoor wide open through inconsistent or poor new hire onboarding experiences....

How to Translate Lean Principles Into Your Office Functions

How to Translate Lean Principles Into Your Office Functions

The lean manufacturing movement came out of a desire to reduce waste and inefficiencies and improve productivity in the operation. Many manufacturers have also benefited from the resulting continuous improvement mindset as engaged employees became empowered to change...

4 Manufacturing Myths – Debunked

4 Manufacturing Myths – Debunked

At OMEP we often hear these common misconceptions about the manufacturing industry: Manufacturing Myth 1: US Manufacturing is in decline. Fact: Employment, shipments, and exports are on the rise across the country. Manufacturing Myth 2: Manufacturing is a poor career...

Stay on the Nice List with Gift Ideas from American Manufacturers

Stay on the Nice List with Gift Ideas from American Manufacturers

THIS IS A GUEST BLOG POST BY THE MEP NATIONAL NETWORK Each year, the MEP National NetworkTM is fortunate to assist manufacturing companies across the nation that are operating at the cutting-edge of their industries and creating distinct, quality products. And, each...



Announcing a 12-month initiative funded by the U.S. Economic Development Administration, in partnership with Business Oregon and Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition (PNDC), to develop new markets and sales channels for Oregon manufacturers to offset the impacts of...


Here comes Manufacturing Day!

Manufacturing careers are a vital part of our local economy, so we want to celebrate our builders, makers, and creators on October 1st 2021, and throughout the month of October.  Manufacturing Day is a chance to show students what modern manufacturing looks like...