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The Future of Supply Chains 2016

The Future of Supply Chains 2016

On Thursday May 5th, I attend the Critical Materials Conference in Hillsboro, and while focused narrowly on materials and supply chains semiconductor manufacturing, I found that many topics were universal and relevant to all manufacturers, regardless of size, location...

Are You Capturing The Power of LinkedIn?

According to a report from the Content Marketing Institute, 89% of manufacturers nationwide who have a marketing staff person are using LinkedIn as part of their marketing strategy, yet only 54% say it is effective. Why is this the case? The platform has a lot to...

AKT Announces Student Scholarship to Young Entrepreneurs Business Week

AKT Announces Student Scholarship to Young Entrepreneurs Business Week

If you are a manufacturer who employs parents of teenagers, don’t miss the opportunity to have them attend Young Entrepreneurs Business Week (YEBW) —a program that builds future business leaders.  AKT, an OMEP partner, is sponsoring up to 3 high school students,...

The Importance of Developing Your Employees

The Importance of Developing Your Employees

In today's economy, if your business isn't learning, then you're going to fall behind.  Your employees produce, refine, deliver and manage your products or services every day....

Small Businesses Get Technical Assistance from National Labs

Small Business Vouchers Pilot from the Dept. of Energy As part of OMEP’s Innovation Partnerships initiative, we want to let you know about great opportunities to partner with world class resources.  The Department of Energy (DoE) has opened round 2 of its Small...

Cascade Alchemy Success Story

OMEP/Kelly Walker Collaboration Helps Bend, Oregon Distillery Grow 350% OMEP recently worked with Cascade Alchemy, in collaboration with Kelly walker Marketing. Take a look at their guest blog post about the project below.  Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Do what you...

Supply Chain Lessons from the Taiwan Earthquake

Supply Chain Lessons from the Taiwan Earthquake

Earthquake in Taiwan impacts United States Manufacturers On February 6th, southern Taiwan experienced a magnitude 6.4 earthquake, killing 117 people, almost all in the collapsed 17-storey Weiguan Jinlong building.  Fortunately, damage to factories, homes and...

Talent Engine Secrets

How to recruit and retain the best of the best employees On Monday, Kinesis CEO Shawn Busse spoke at the Oregon Manufacturers' Summit about talent, recruitment, and the importance of marketing when it comes to building a great workplace.  Read below for his guest blog...

SBA Loans Can Help Boost Small Business

SBA Loans Can Help Boost Small Business

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, there are more than 23 million small businesses in America, employing about half of the nation’s private workforce. As the government agency tasked with protecting, strengthening and representing the interests of...

Taking the Black Magic Out of Machining

Lean Continuous Improvement Journey Thursday, February 11th marked the Share to Grow event at ARE. Over 25 attendees gathered to learn about ARE’s continuous improvement journey (read more about A.R.E. Manufacturing). Located in Newberg Oregon, ARE Manufacturing...