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WANTED: WA County Manufacturers

Washington County Manufacturers: We Need Your Help! Consider opening your doors to allow high school students to tour your facility during National Manufacturing Day on October 4. When you open your doors for a few hours to students, you open students eyes to exciting...

Increase Your Skilled Worker Hiring Pool with Apprenticeships

Increase Your Skilled Worker Hiring Pool with Apprenticeships Manufacturers in all sectors struggle with finding, developing, and engaging employees. Getting candidates in the door is a challenge. Once they’re hired, it’s difficult to onboard them effectively and get...

Are You Prepared for a Successful Descent?

By Ron Wolfe, Vice President and Senior Relationship Manager, KeyBank Linda Hamilton, Vice President and Senior Relationship Manager for KeyBank According to a study put out by the Pepperdine Private Capital Market’s report, the number one reason business owners...

One Thing You Need To Do To Save Your Computers From Virus Attacks

Laptops and PCs lock and freeze all the time, right? It's no big deal, we all know to "turn it off and on again." It’s a pretty standard problem and one that happens daily in your business. You have your security firewalls all up to date with premium security and...

CTE – Connecting You to Your Future Workforce

One of the biggest struggles for employers is finding and retaining skilled employees. Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs offer educational training and career development pathways to help reduce this issue and are vitally important for manufacturing...

Toyota Kata: A Lean Strategy for Keeping Up with the Pace of Change

By: Brian Lagas “Why are our changeovers taking so long?” If you’ve asked this question on the shop floor, more than likely you were met with blank stares by your employees. Open-ended questions like this are overwhelming, so employees try to find quick answers that...

Reduce Your Company’s Tax Liability to Reinvest in Your Employees

By Roy Deaver, Partner, International Services; Mark Woodward, Partner, State & Local Tax Services; and Susan Mehlman, Director, Compensation & Benefits Tax Services Your employees can be among your most valuable assets—and retaining and attracting top talent...

RAPID and the MEP – A Boon for Small Businesses

OMEP was recently featured in the RAPID newsletter. The original post is below. RAPID’s partnership with the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) continues to bear fruit. An invaluable resource, MEPs help small manufactures effectively engage with RAPID. To date,...

How Manufacturers Can Detect, Prevent, And Deter Fraud

Emily Bradford, a Senior Manager at Geffen Mesher, recently recorded a thought leadership podcast with the Portland Business Journal. She spoke at length about why manufacturers are particularly susceptible to fraud, how business owners can recover when fraud does...