Opportunity to share your workforce needs with state workforce planners
Home 9 Business Financials & Strategy 9 Opportunity to share your workforce needs with state workforce planners
 In partnership with the Oregon Workforce and Talent Development Board, Oregon’s Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) is conducting a Talent Assessment to gather industry input on workforce issues. As an Oregon manufacturer, you can provide critical perspectives on the workforce landscape and opportunities for improvement within your industry. The survey should take 10 minutes or less and all responses will be confidential.The deadline to respond is May 18th.


Feel free to forward this invite link to other manufacturers in your network so that they can provide their perspective on workforce issues.
For technical issues or questions, please contact Kendra Lodewick, at 541-514-2687 orklodewick@programandpolicy.com.

Thank you in advance for sharing your perspective on these issues!

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  • Russ Gaylor

    Russ is an experienced Learning Professional / Program Manager in design, deployment, and management of global development programs that reduce operating expenses and increase organizational efficiency and effectiveness. During his 20 year career, he has managed small and large teams that delivered and exceeded performance goals. He is skilled in defining and executing strategic and operational objectives that deliver results. As OMEP’s consultant, Russ will continue to develop creative and innovative approaches to resolve strategic and tactical issues in the manufacturing workforce.

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