Manufacturing in the Pacific Northwest—Your Input Is Needed
Home 9 Business Financials & Strategy 9 Manufacturing in the Pacific Northwest—Your Input Is Needed

We have partnered with several organizations to conduct a survey of local manufacturing companies to identify and offer insights on some of the most critical challenges and opportunities facing manufacturers in the Pacific Northwest.

Because you are a leader in manufacturing in our region, we would like to invite you to participate. When you complete the survey, we will share the results with you, including insights into issues that are top of mind to your peers in the industry and solutions and resources to meet those needs. You also will be invited to participate in Schwabe Williamson and Wyatt’s September Manufacturing Symposium, in which we will dive deeper into the most important issues identified in the survey.

To conduct this survey, we partnered with an independent, third-party research firm, DHM Research. In addition to hosting the survey, DHM will ensure your answers are confidential, anonymous, and reported only in the aggregate. The survey should take about 15–20 minutes. Thank you for being a critical part of this research project!

Take the Survey

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    Jean Back brings more than 25 years of experience in helping manufacturers and technology-focused employers solve problems to complicated employment scenarios. She has broad expertise in litigation, mediation and settlement of employment and business tort claims. She is fluent in all areas of state and federal employment, wage and hour, discrimination, and leave laws. She is skilled at training managers and employees in employment compliance.

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