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5 Ways Manufacturers Can Increase Employee Engagement

Leading people can be challenging, and following a leader can feel frustrating as well. We’re all just trying to do our best at work, whether we’re owners, managers, or employees. Everyone has challenges in the workplace and no workplace is perfect. Creating a culture...

What’s new with AS9100?

Highlights from the 2016 RMC Aerospace Auditors Conference Every year the Registration Management Committee of the American Aerospace Quality Group holds a workshop to update aerospace auditors of the latest decisions and best practices. The focus of this year’s...

Manufacturing Learning Experience for Students

 McMinnville Economic Development Partnership and McMinnville Works co-sponsored a half day learning experience for local college students (Interns) on Wednesday July 27th at the Evergreen Aerospace Museum.  Students spent the day learning and applying Operational...

Low Cost Employee Development for Manufacturers

Employee Development Doesn’t Have to be Costly The ability to get the best out of your employees, and unlock their greater potential is sometimes just a matter of opportunity. While many factors can impact your ability to provide training and development in your...

How Manufacturers Can Build Profitable Networks on LinkedIn

Last quarter I discussed the value of LinkedIn as a marketing tool for manufacturing companies. This tool is regularly underutilized by manufacturers. Today I’d like to take a deeper dive into making LinkedIn work for your business. You may be asking, “I’ve updated my...

Jack is Back! An Overview of Total Product Maintenance (TPM)

Jack repairs machines as they break Do you remember Jack from my post on maintenance magic? When we last left Jack, he was trying to repair machines in a firefighting pattern of repair/break/repeat that just wasn't working. Today, Jack is taking several days to...

Northwest Food and Beverage Industry Survey

Food Processors: State of the industry Are you a food processor that is struggling to find the right employees to join your company? Has ‘FSMA’ become a 4-letter word in your quality department? If so, you are not alone- particularly if you are doing business in the...

How To Build Team-Driven Structured On the Job Training

How To Build Team-Driven Structured On the Job Training

Last month I talked about the importance of developing your employees. Yet it can be difficult to develop training that sticks for many reasons. In part because training calls upon manufacturers to give one of their most valuable resources--time. When you're busy...

Host a Manufacturing Day Event

Host a Manufacturing Day Event

Oregon Manufacturing Day is October 7th! What started as a simple salute to manufacturers four years ago has become one of the most influential international events of the year. Across the nation over 2,000 manufacturers will open their doors to students and introduce...

Manage Your Products for Profits

Manage Your Products for Profits

New technologies and new competitors are changing markets faster than ever before.  Whether your company is in a B2B or B2C environment, it is critical that you have a product strategy, high level product roadmap and product management tools to ensure a relevant,...