Oregon Manufacturing Industry FAQ
What types of manufacturers are based in Oregon? How many people work in manufacturing?
When we think of manufacturing, we generally think of large companies like Intel. It might also be surprising to learn that many of Oregon’s 5,000 plus manufacturing companies are on the smaller size – 20 or fewer employees. These small businesses are powerful engines in our economy. In the third quarter of 2018, Oregon was home to 6,284 manufacturing establishments, providing the state with 198,000 jobs.
Data source: EMSI Q3 2017: www.economicmodeling.com
Fastest Growing Manufacturing Sectors
What influence do manufacturing companies have on Oregon’s economy?
It’s surprising to most people that Oregon’s economy is the first or second highest in dependence on manufacturing.
Over 21% of Oregon’s Gross State product is in manufacturing. “Oregon’s manufacturing sector is growing more quickly than the nation’s. Since its lowest employment level in February and March 2010, manufacturing employment in Oregon has grown by 23 percent compared with the nation’s 12 percent. Over the year, Oregon saw manufacturing growth of 2.6 percent, higher than the nation’s 2.0 percent. However, as of January 2019, manufacturing employment in Oregon is still 8,500 jobs below its pre-recession peak in July 2006.”
On top of faster growth, Oregon’s manufacturing sector is also a larger component of the economy than it is for the nation. While manufacturing made up 8.5 percent of payroll employment in the United States in 2018, it made up 10.2 percent of Oregon’s In 2016 states with the fastest growing GDP were Washington, Oregon, and Utah. Oregon grew 3.0 percent and one of the largest contributors to growth in Oregon was durable goods manufacturing.
Source: https://www.qualityinfo.org/-/made-in-oregon-a-profile-of-the-state-s-manufacturing-sector
What IS A Manufacturer?
What IS A Manufacturer?
Manufacturing Infographic
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