An Oregon Manufacturers’ Resource

All New MFG Day! A portion of this article was originally created by NIST MEP and is featured on the Manufacturing Innovation Blog  Manufacturing Day is Back Given the limitations with...

Your Lighting Could be Saving you Money

As Oregon manufacturers navigate the pandemic’s impact, many are keeping a close eye on overhead costs to maintain financial stability. And one of the best ways to control operating costs is to cut...

Aerospace & Defense Market Data

Having access to industry-based research helps manufacturers make decisions based on the most accurate and up-to-date information available. Moss Adams' Aerospace & Defense Market Monitor keeps...

OMEP Recommends

To jumpstart your continuous learning initiatives, we are creating a curated list of our recommended materials. You will find these listed on our blog page, and we will add to this list in every newsletter.

Here are three recommendations to kick this off!

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