FSMA Cohort

OMEP invites you to participate in this virtual 8-part Food Safety Cohort which is designed to help small food manufacturers implement an actionable and sustainable food safety program that opens […]

FSMA Cohort

OMEP invites you to participate in this virtual 8-part Food Safety Cohort which is designed to help small food manufacturers implement an actionable and sustainable food safety program that opens […]

Compliance Changes for Government Contractors

Private companies, of which many are government contractors, will have unique requirements when adopting Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 606, Revenue Recognition and ASC 842 Leases, and it’s important for contractors […]

FSMA Cohort

OMEP invites you to participate in this virtual 8-part Food Safety Cohort which is designed to help small food manufacturers implement an actionable and sustainable food safety program that opens doors to new business opportunities. This series will provide you with easily customizable templates for documentation and training so that you can start using what […]

SEDCOR Webinar: The Post-Pandemic Economy: Why the recovery can happen quicker than you might expect

The Post-Pandemic Economy: Why the recovery can happen quicker than you might expect. Speaker: Tim Duy, Economics Professor of Practice, University of Oregon Last year, economists feared that the recovery from the pandemic would be another long slog comparable to the recovery from the 2007-09 recession. The reality, however, is shaping up very differently. Tim […]

Safety in the 21st Century: Cybersecurity for Small and Mid-Sized Manufacturers

Small and mid-sized manufacturers are particularly vulnerable to increasing cyber-attacks and data loss. Even if you don’t supply to the DoD or to large contractors, your business can still be targeted. Being safe in the 21st century requires a business culture shift to include cybersecurity as a business practice, not just a department responsibility. Learn […]

FSMA Cohort

OMEP invites you to participate in this virtual 8-part Food Safety Cohort which is designed to help small food manufacturers implement an actionable and sustainable food safety program that opens doors to new business opportunities. This series will provide you with easily customizable templates for documentation and training so that you can start using what […]

Farm 2 Fork Webinar: Food Hubbing: Strengthening Connections for Oregon’s Regional Food and Beverage Producers

Food hubs are most often physical places, technology and/or other infrastructure. However, the only essential part of a food hub is strong, intentional relationships among members of a regional food system. The business world often refers to network building as “networking.” Regional food systems thrive when stakeholders begin food “hubbing.” Micah Elconin discusses the practice […]

FSMA Cohort

OMEP invites you to participate in this virtual 8-part Food Safety Cohort which is designed to help small food manufacturers implement an actionable and sustainable food safety program that opens doors to new business opportunities. This series will provide you with easily customizable templates for documentation and training so that you can start using what […]