Designed for Manufacturing Engineers, Operator Leads, Managers, NC Programmers and students in Manufacturing, our OMIC Academy classes are offered free to Members first, and then any additional spots are available to others.
Material Removal Rate (MRR) is a classic measure of the efficiency of a machining process. This course steps you through the fundamentals of calculating MRRs. Based on data-driven decisions, special attention is given to exposing the perceptions vs. reality of process efficiencies. Discussions revolve around burden of costs associated with accomplishing high MRRs. The concepts learned will be further validated by live machine demonstrations.
A special topic embedded in the course is Process MRR for Reliable Cycle Time Prediction. This unique learning is valuable to employees who may or may not have a machining background. This learning is vital towards aligning MRR calculations with end-user job function, value-added data for corporate decisions and cycle time predictions for future products.
Prerequisites: Familiarity with cutting tools. Basic level understanding of Speeds & Feeds.
The event is free, but class is limited to 30 attendees. Lunch is provided. Sign up early to save to your spot!