This is a deep dive into all of the major aspects of exporting your Oregon product. These informative and engaging e-classes will take place virtually every Wednesday afternoon throughout September.
You’ll learn the major 8 tenants of exporting including finding new customers, where to find relevant and free/low-cost market research, shipping/logistics, contracts, and financing exports, to name a few.
The class fee is normally $525, but watch the video overview you’ll receive a substantial discount that will bring the fee down to just $100. This is a program for both existing exporters of all industry types, and new-to-export businesses. This is a great way to train new employees, too!
Overview video here Video Access Passcode: exP0RTER!
To register for the full course at the discounted rate, watch the overview video, use the code EXPORTQUEEN, and Register Here
Limited seats available, so register quickly!