Connect 2 Careers Launched!
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After more than two-years of work and partnership on the part of Manufacturing 21 with Worksystems. Inc., the Connect2Careers system has been launched.

Its purpose is to transform the way our region prepares young adults for careers in our key industries – including manufacturing. The initial focus of the Connect2Careers system is youth in Multnomah and Washington Counties and the City of Portland preliminary discussions with Clackamas County will likely become involved as well.

Multnomah County Commissioner Loretta Smith, Washington County Commissioner, Roy Rogers, and Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler each deserve special thanks for their early and consistent leadership and support as Connect2Careers has taken shape.

Manufacturing 21 has also secured the help of All Hands Raised who will play a large role in securing the participation of our public schools and business outreach.

Please take a moment to check out the Connect2Careers website If you are an employer, contact August Dao at WSI, and ask him how you can participate. Employer registration is easy and its free. Once your company or organization is signed up, you’ll be able to list job and internship openings. At that point, Connect2Careers will do the rest.

With Connect2Careers and the recent creation of the Oregon Manufacturing Innovation Center (OMIC) in Scappoose, years of hard work and investment by the MFG 21 community are showing significant results.

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