Nearly fifty years ago, Shigeo Shingo (Toyota Motor Works Engineer) identified what he called the ‘primary forms of waste’. These forms of waste are nearly universally discoverable in every...
Posts Category:
Acting Fast to Slow Machinist Turnover
This article originally appeared on Industry Week. Guest blog post by Linda Wechsler, senior consultant at OMEP. Paola Castaldo, managing consultant, and Russ Gaylor, manufacturing consultant, also...
Oregon Equal Pay Act: What Employers Need to Know
Potential exposure for a violation of Oregon’s Equal Pay Act is considerable Employees alleging unpaid wages or pay equity discrimination may be awarded two years of back pay, compensatory and...
Holiday Reading List
The holidays are a great time to curl up with a book in between all the hustle. Here at OMEP our team reads many books. I put together some recommendations for anyone interested in manufacturing,...
The Formula for Successful Manufacturing Leadership
A while back, I asked my kids to “rake the leaves”. When I checked on them 2 hours later they had raked the leaves, but were now busily spreading raked leaves everywhere, diving into them with...
2018 MFG Day Re-Cap
Another Manufacturing Day in the books! Although manufacturing Month lasts all year, many Manufacturing Day events take place on the official MFG Day, October 5, 2018. Over 2,700 events were...
Manufacturing Day 2018!
WHAT IS MANUFACTURING DAY? Manufacturing Day® is a celebration of modern manufacturing meant to inspire the next generation of manufacturers. Although Manufacturing Day® officially occurs on the...
Lack of Skilled Applicants Leading Cause of Unfilled Manufacturing Positions
A recent report by the Oregon Employment Department’s Workforce and Economic Research Division identifies Oregon’s current workforce gaps and future workforce needs. Manufacturers won’t be surprised...
Meet the Champion: Dan Wahlstrom, Lean Manufacturing Engineer, Simonds International
As the oldest cutting tool manufacturer in North America, Simonds International has learned to maximize the value of the industry’s latest technologies. That penchant for innovation is one reason...
Connect 2 Careers Launched!
After more than two-years of work and partnership on the part of Manufacturing 21 with Worksystems. Inc., the Connect2Careers system has been launched. Its purpose is to transform the way our region...