Posts Category:

Acting Fast to Slow Machinist Turnover

This article originally appeared on Industry Week. Guest blog post by Linda Wechsler, senior consultant at OMEP. Paola Castaldo, managing consultant, and Russ Gaylor, manufacturing consultant, also...

Inspiring Diversity Grant

Launch a new diversity and equity program at your small business with help from Prosper Portland! The Inspiring Diversity Grant is a new pilot program for small, traded-sector employers located in...

Green Paper Review

The US Government spends over $100 billion annually on R&D and has significant IP assets.  The white house requested an audit of how these assets are being shared with industry and what barriers...

The Facts and Figures Behind Robotics

Robotics — the technology that deals with robot development, operation, and applications — promises the greatest manufacturing productivity increase since the industrial revolution more than two...

2018 MFG Day Re-Cap

Another Manufacturing Day in the books! Although manufacturing Month lasts all year, many Manufacturing Day events take place on the official MFG Day, October 5, 2018. Over 2,700 events were...