The COVID-19 pandemic has increased remote work arrangements and dramatically altered work sites and offices. Some of those new arrangements may include employees working in states where the...
Posts Category:
Supplier Scouting with OMEP
Small businesses are the backbone of the U.S. economy and create two-thirds of net new jobs that drive U.S. innovation and competitiveness. During this difficult time, manufacturers are looking for...
How Relay Resources Can Help Solve 4 Common Manufacturing Challenges
Manufacturing companies in the Pacific Northwest are diverse, ranging from food production to microchips and everything in between, but one thing all manufacturers have in common is a desire to...
Can a SWOT Analysis Help Me Find Opportunities for Growth?
This is a guest blog post from our fellow member of the MEP National Network, DVIRC A SWOT analysis, a common tool for evaluating your company’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,...
Celebrating Oregon Manufacturer’s Support for Critical Workers
At OMEP we are constantly impressed by the resiliency and creativity of Oregon manufacturers. Challenging times highlight this creativity in an even bigger way. We have gratitude for the many NW...
Lean Foundations: An Interview with States Industries
October 7, 2015 by Jasmine Agnor Recently I had the chance to connect with two students who attended OMEP’s four-part Lean Fundamentals course, led by Kristi Smith and Gary Conner. Students Dani and...
Do You Have An Exit Strategy?
Dave Looper, OMEP’s Business Transition Planning Specialist, guides manufacturing executives through the transition process. His September Transition Planning Breakfast is sold out, but you can...

Portland Made: New American Makers of the New Manufacturing Renaissance
The post below was originally on Kelley Roy will be releasing a new book entitled Portland Made: New American Makers of the New Manufacturing Renaissance in Fall of 2015. Read on...

Curt’s Cat: Lean Epiphanies Book Excerpt
Gary Conner, one of our Senior Consultants has recently published a book titled "Lean Epiphanies: Catapult the Cow and Other Inspirational Continuous Improvement Stories". You can read more and...

5 Lessons I learned at the Oregon Manufacturers’ Summit
Oregon’s manufacturing community deserves the best that OMEP has to offer. As our events and marketing manager I poured every ounce of focus and ability into crafting a summit event that...