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Lean Foundations: An Interview with States Industries

October 7, 2015 by Jasmine Agnor Recently I had the chance to connect with two students who attended OMEP’s four-part Lean Fundamentals course, led by Kristi Smith and Gary Conner. Students Dani and Amanda were sent to the class by their Plant Manager, Donnie Graves...

Manufacturing Day 2015, Recap

Manufacturing Day 2015, Recap

Manufacturing Day 2015 was a great success, not just for Oregon, but nation wide. We're still waiting for the final numbers, but we know that at least 80 companies participated in events across Oregon, hosting over 2,000 participants! Canby and Washington County...

Manufacturing Day 2015: The Largest Event Yet

Manufacturing Day 2015: The Largest Event Yet

September 28, 2015 by Jasmine Agnor In three days the world will celebrate National Manufacturing Day. October 2, 2015 promises to be the largest manufacturing day ever, by a wide margin! What started as a simple salute to manufacturers two years ago has become one of...

Oregon Manufacturing Day!

Oregon Manufacturing Day!

October 3, 2014, or the first Friday in October, marks the third annual National Manufacturing Day (MFG Day). Three years ago this holiday was designed to expand knowledge about and improve public perception of manufacturing careers and manufacturing's value to the...

Do You Have An Exit Strategy?

Dave Looper, OMEP’s Business Transition Planning Specialist, guides manufacturing executives through the transition process. His September Transition Planning Breakfast is sold out, but you can reserve a spot for the next session at the bottom of this post. There are...

The Most Powerful Leadership Tool: Positive Reinforcement

The Most Powerful Leadership Tool: Positive Reinforcement

Top performance requires more than hiring good people.  It requires a leadership team that believes in helping their employees to be successful in performing their job. Performance feedback and positive reinforcement from the leadership team is essential for an...

No Mystery; No Maintenance; No Magic- The story of “Jack”

    Have you ever observed a company that works hard at improving productivity, identifying and removing waste from their processes, improving flow, only to have minimal improvement? It’s a mystery! We work diligently on all of the lean concepts yet we don’t...

Water Usage in food processing

Linda Wechsler, author of this post,  is a Food Processing Industry Consultant at Oregon Manufacturing Extension Partnership (OMEP). Linda collaborates with food industry experts, professional organizations, state and federal institutions and educational programs to...

Perspectives on Operational Excellence

Perspectives on Operational Excellence

On June 26th a group of manufacturers gathered to engage in a highly interactive discussion on Operational Excellence. OMEP consultants Paola Castaldo and John Valachovic led this fast-faced roundtable event at Portland Development Commission’s headquarters. Attendees...