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Investment Funds for Disrupting the Built Environment Value Chain

Are you an innovator with an idea to disrupt the built environment value chain? The InNOVAte 2019 Challenge Needs You! Yes, you. CertainTeed, Saint-Gobain NOVA and Greentown Labs are actively seeking applicants for InNOVAte 2019, a six-month accelerator program...

The Primary Forms of Waste (And How To Eliminate Them)

Nearly fifty years ago, Shigeo Shingo (Toyota Motor Works Engineer) identified what he called the ‘primary forms of waste’. These forms of waste are nearly universally discoverable in every manufacturing environment. The best definition of lean might be: “A systematic...

Acting Fast to Slow Machinist Turnover

This article originally appeared on Industry Week. Guest blog post by Linda Wechsler, senior consultant at OMEP. Paola Castaldo, managing consultant, and Russ Gaylor, manufacturing consultant, also contributed to this article. How an Oregon components maker closed the...

Inspiring Diversity Grant

Launch a new diversity and equity program at your small business with help from Prosper Portland! The Inspiring Diversity Grant is a new pilot program for small, traded-sector employers located in the City of Portland. We are offering grant funding of up to $10,000...

Green Paper Review

The US Government spends over $100 billion annually on R&D and has significant IP assets.  The white house requested an audit of how these assets are being shared with industry and what barriers could be removed.  If you are unfamiliar with tapping into this...

Oregon Equal Pay Act: What Employers Need to Know

Potential exposure for a violation of Oregon’s Equal Pay Act is considerable Employees alleging unpaid wages or pay equity discrimination may be awarded two years of back pay, compensatory and punitive damages, and attorney fees. Unlawful practices under the law...

Understanding Manufacturer’s Challenges Entering the New Year

Over the last few months, the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Program has been commemorating our 30th anniversary. The Program has enjoyed taking a step back to look at our beginnings, the reasons the Program came to be, and how we can continue to deliver on...

Holiday Reading List

The holidays are a great time to curl up with a book in between all the hustle. Here at OMEP our team reads many books. I put together some recommendations for anyone interested in manufacturing, business growth, and leadership. Enjoy your book, and come back to work...

The Formula for Successful Manufacturing Leadership

A while back, I asked my kids to “rake the leaves”. When I checked on them 2 hours later they had raked the leaves, but were now busily spreading raked leaves everywhere, diving into them with enthusiasm.  They were having a great time raking the leaves, but leaf pile...

The Facts and Figures Behind Robotics

Robotics — the technology that deals with robot development, operation, and applications — promises the greatest manufacturing productivity increase since the industrial revolution more than two centuries ago. For any manufacturing business or organization concerned...